• You need BYBIT.COM or any other Crypto Exchange with Leverage.
How to trade crypto/bitcoin?
• Use Futures/derivatives perpetual contract in USDT with 20x, 30x or 50x isolated leverage, limit or market order.
Use exactly recommended leverage for your stake.
How big amount do I need?
• Load amount to your crypto exchange for at least 3 trades.
How to get your crypto trading prediction?
• You must pay for monthly subsciption here: Prediction
Crypto Trading rules
Trade with the same amount for some period and then increase it.
Use 20, 30 or 50 Leverage or as many as written in our prediction for bigger PROFIT !
If profit is achieved you can close it manually or wait our CLOSE Signal.
Don't trade anything else, use only our crypto predictions.
Dont't use fake Whales, Pump, TA signals, bots etc.
Most important is to stay PATIENT. Crypto Trading profit is a long-term process.
Don't panic if prediction is lost and your position is liquidated. You will recover!